GN R363 of 22 May 2013: Regulations relating to the Management of Human Remains No person shall prepare or store any human remains except on approved funeral undertaker’s premises or mortuary in respect of which a certificate of competence, has been issued by the relevant local government, and is in effect.
GN R961 of 23 November 2012: Regulations relating to hygiene requirements for milking sheds, the transport of milk and related matters No person shall use a milking shed for the purpose of milking dairy stock in order to produce milk for human consumption, unless the milking shed in which the dairy stock is milked is […]
GN R638 of 22 June 2018: Regulations governing general hygiene requirements for food premises, the transport of food and related matters This regulation prohibits the handling of food on premises in respect of which a valid certificate of acceptability, has not been issued or is not in force.
The CWDM and certification of food destined for export The CWDM as the local health authority will assist exporters if and when requested for the health certification of foodstuffs destined for export subject to certain conditions. Please note that as a health authority the CWDM can only issue health certificates and not export certificates.
CWDM Water and Sanitation Subsidy Project Access to Safe Drinking Water and Dignified Sanitation is a prerequisite for health and is a Fundamental Human Right. A key function of Municipal Health Services (MHS) is the Prevention of Communicable diseases such as Cholera, Diarrhea, Hepatitis A, and Typhoid which are all associated with poor sanitation. This […]
CWDM Water and Sanitation Subsidy Project Access to Safe Drinking Water and Dignified Sanitation is a prerequisite for health and is a Fundamental Human Right. A key function of Municipal Health Services (MHS) is the Prevention of Communicable diseases such as Cholera, Diarrhoea, Hepatitis A, and Typhoid which are all associated with poor sanitation. This […]
Poster demonstrating 5 key elements to ensure safer food