The heavy rainfalls experienced in early February caused havoc on our roads everywhere, but the Theronsberg Pass was particularly affected. On Sunday 5 February 2023, the pass was closed as the rains had washed away a section of the road. Our Technical Services team in Witzenberg was informed and Bertus van Wyk, Deputy Director: Roads in Witzenberg and the maintenance team gathered all their equipment, including digger loaders, and made their way to the damaged area.
After a few hours and a lot of ground moving and effort, this important road between Ceres and Touwsrivier that links to the N1 could reopen to the trucks carrying freshly harvested produce and other goods. And our dedicated Roads staff could get back to their Sunday lunch!
The Executive Mayor, Elna von Schlicht praised the dedication and team work of the team at the council meeting of February stating, “The team that attended to the damaged road were amazing! There was no hesitation in answering the call made by landowners needing to transport harvests, everyone pulled together and made it happen! Even Minister Ivan Meyer called to extend his thanks, please be sure to extend our appreciation to all the staff involved.”
Cllr Deon Carinus, Portfolio Holder: Technical Services chats to team members
The Theronsberg Pass before and after photos received from Bertus van Wyk, Deputy Director: Roads Maintenance in Witzenberg.
Even diggers went out in the weather.