Support a small or micro business near you

Support a small or micro business near you

The establishment and development of small, medium and micro enterprises and small farmers are recognised as one of the ways in which economic development can be encouraged. The Cape Winelands District Municipality’s (CWDM’s) Local Economic Development unit supports, mentors and guides small and emerging businesses through the grant-in-aid process.

Beneficiaries annually apply for funding via the Call for Proposal process that aims to create an environment in which economic activity is stimulated and employment opportunities are ultimately created.

The SMMEs in the Cape Winelands have shown great resilience and innovation despite the various challenges of the past few years. Among the beneficiaries of this year’s funding programme are a beekeeper, a sishinyama stall, a construction business, and a nursing sister who offers wellness and personal care services. There are micro farmers, one owning a piggery and the other farming with vegetables. There are hairdressers, funeral services, caterers, tyre services, pavers and garden wall manufacturers.

And we trust that with your support, these enterprises will continue to prosper and grow.

Pictured are the beneficiaries from the municipal areas of Langeberg, Breede Valley, Drakenstein, Stellenbosch and Witzenberg.

Ondersteun ons klein onderneming

Die KWDM se eenheid vir Plaaslike Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling ondersteun en bied mentorskap en leiding aan klein en opkomende besighede deur die hulptoelae-proses, ’n jaarlikse beroep op voorstelle wat befondsing voorsien om ekonomiese aktiwiteit te stimuleer en werk te skep. Die KMMO-begunstigdes toon groot veerkragtigheid en innovasie in die moeilike ekonomiese klimaat, en sal met u ondersteuning voortgaan om voorspoedig te wees en te groei.

Xhasa amashishini ethu amancinci

Iyunithi yezoPhuhliso lwamaShishini eNgingqi ezoQoqosho aseCWDM  ixhasa, icebise kwakhona ikhokhele amashishini amancinci nasakhulayo ngenkqubo  yeziBonelelo zoNcedo, nto leyo esisiMemezo   sarhoqo ngonyaka  seziPhakamiso ngobonelelo ngezimali. Ezi zibonelelo zijoliswe ekukhuthazeni imiba yezoqoqosho nokudala ingqesho nemisebenzi. Abo bazuzayo kulaa mashishini abizwa ngokuba ziSMME babonisa ukomelela okukhulu kwakunye nokungenisa izinto ezintsha kule mo inzima kwezoqoqosho, yaye baya kusoloko bethe gqolo ngokuphumelela nokukhula, ngenkxaso yenu.

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